Amatierra: A retreat for the whole person

AmaTierra has one of the best yoga retreats and detox centers in Costa Rica with its inspiring views from the magnificent open-air studio. Come for a few days of relaxation in paradise  and enjoy rejuvenating holistic health services and massage and spa treatments directed by registered herbalist (AHG) Jill Ruttenberg. 
Or you can attend Special Yoga retreats and other self-improvement workshops offered at AmaTierra will enrich your vacation experience and inspire profound transformation in your whole Being.   The private Amatierra Retreat is the place to be for yoga in Costa Rica!
Yoga teachers and seminar leaders who wish to bring group retreats to AmaTierra will find reasonable all-inclusive group rates and  remarkable service. At AmaTierra, you can feel cared for and care free!

Owners, Bob and Jill Ruttenberg

Bob and Jill, the owners of AmaTierra, are from Tucson Arizona and live on the premises.
Jill is a registered herbalist (AHG) who specializes in Chinese and western herbal medicine. Jill is a colleague of Dr. Andrew Weil and participated in weekly patient conferences at the program in Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona Medical Center. She has also had the good fortune to study with some of the best herbalists and OMD's in the world, including Dr. Michael Tierra and Dr. Joel Penner. Jill is also a certified massage therapist who practices many modalities, a Hatha Yoga instructor, and writer of articles for U.S. alternative health publications. Nutritional consulting, massage and yoga classes are all available on the premises at AmaTierra.
Bob Ruttenberg comes from a career of 40 years in the music business which began the day he returned to Chicago from the Woodstock Festival of 1969. He owned two record stores in the mountains of Colorado in the 70's & 80s and since then has helped hundreds of artists become known and respected, especially in the world of jazz music. Bob's friendly and enthusiastic nature and his passion for music will ignite your love of the arts. Ask Bob to turn you on to a special CD of your favorite kind of music. You will like it.
The Ruttenbergs have two grown daughters, Amanda, a visual artist currently living in Connecticut, and Tara, a recent graduate of the Master’s program at University for Peace in Costa Rica.

Editor: Alex Rojas writes articles related with technology, social media and marketing. Sponsored by Costa Rica Hotels, Motor de reservas en linea and Travel to Costa Rica 

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